The Ascension levels are focused on personal and spiritual development through the complete energetic ascension process, over five stages and energy activations. The Ascension 21-day integration periods are often felt as much easier and gentler than the previous Ashati levels.
This second stage of transformation will initiate the permanent dissolution of your lower emotional and mental bodies, therefore disconnecting you from this lower level of energetic influence and empowering your higher levels of consciousness, connected to your soul and your spirit. This process will reduce the two associated lower chakras to their basic functions within the body. You will still be able to feel the kundalini energy, sexual drive, higher emotions, your soul's ego (or personality), etc. However, the influence of lower emotional energies, the lower consciousness’ thought forms and other lower mental energies will be greatly reduced. You will also free yourself from the powerful energies of the lower part of the astral dimension, although still be able to tune into this part of the astral when needed.
• Ascension 2 Description
• Ascension 2 Energy Activation
• Healing
• The Archangels
• Further Development
The Ascension levels are centred on creating deeper and permanent changes to the very structure of your chakras and energy bodies, enabling you to progressively increase your conscious connection to your spirit, and therefore your spirit abilities, higher senses, inner guidance, healing potential, etc.
Ascension is often felt as a journey of simplification (within, and in your physical reality), a deeper knowing of your true nature, wants and desires, an increased awareness of your inner world and the world of energy around us, as well as increasingly stronger and more effective abilities to heal and to manifest what you truly desire and need.
The main benefit from this second Ascension energy activation is to free you from the most intense and controlling levels of your emotional and mental energies, enabling you to connect more easily with those higher energies within your being, and to also remain unaffected by some of the astral energies around you.