Alsemia Training Course Brisbane | Subcoscious Healing Course Brisbane
Subconscious Healing Course Brisbane - Receiving Energy
The Alsemia Training is a very advanced program, and a profound personal / spiritual development journey, based on a much higher aspect of energy healing, unique energy activations, and powerful energies. This program complements the Ascension Training, whose main energy activations (Ascension 1 to 5) are essential in order to receive these final levels and energetic connections. In addition to Alsemia 4, these higher Alsemia levels (Alsemia 5 to 12) will enable you to facilitate one-on-one Subconscious Exploration sessions for others, in addition to yourself, as well as small and large group Subconscious Explorations with Alsemia 13. This unique form of advanced energy healing creates a much deeper trance-like meditative and relaxation state (naturally induced by the energy work) and will facilitate healing as well as a reconnection, exploration and healing of the subconscious mind (layer by layer), all the way to the soul level (past-lives) and beyond.


Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane


Workshops are organised at:
Quest Building (Ground Floor Workshop Room)
41 Ramsgate St, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane
Please note that there are multiple Quest buildings in Brisbane.
Free unlimited street parking in adjacent streets (arrive a little earlier on Saturdays).

This program is operated by the Ashati Institute.
All registered teachers provide the same energies, core content and certificates / qualifications, issued by the Ashati Institute. Additional content or personal views provided by a teacher are of their own and may not always be relevant to the Ashati content. However, feel free to contact us for any clarifications.
• Option 1: PAYMENT PLAN: $3610
- See 'Program Schedule' below. 11 Installments via Credit Card or PayPal
- Based on 4 levels during workshops and 6 levels over distance (replace distance levels with workshops for an additional $115 per workshop).
• Option 2: FULL PAYMENT: $3520
- Full Payment via Bank Transfer (save an additional $90).
- Based on 4 levels during workshops and 6 levels over distance (replace distance levels with workshops for an additional $115 per workshop).
Limited Places (Usually 4 to 14 People Only per Workshop)
Terms and Conditions

• Workshops may be attended by additional people receiving different energy activations.
• Missed workshop content is provided over distance.
• Late payments may incur a fee.

Register & Make Payments:

If you have previously completed some of these modules or are unavailable for some dates please contact us.

Click below to show dates.

Register Now   Make Your Next Payment

SCHEDULE - 4 WORKSHOPS - please arrive 15min before
WORKSHOP 1: Saturday 22 February 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 2: Sunday 23 March 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 3: Sunday 13 April 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 4: Sunday 18 May 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
+ Practice at home and receive additional content / support between workshops.
Payment 1: $215 - Due now to secure your place
Payment 2: $215 - Due by Saturday 1 February 2025 (registrations after this date require Payments 1 & 2)
Payment 3: $430 - Due by Saturday 1 March 2025
Payment 4: $430 - Due by Saturday 22 March 2025
Payment 5: $430 - Due by Saturday 26 April 2025

Distance Option: 6 Payments of $315. Paid per level (Leave at least 21 days between each level).
Workshop Option: 6 Payments of $430. Re-register for the Alsemia Training and receive your next levels during workshops.
Register Now   Make Your Next Payment

Register Now   Make Your Next Payment

SCHEDULE - 4 WORKSHOPS - please arrive 15min before
WORKSHOP 1: Sunday 15 June 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 2: Sunday 13 July 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 3: Sunday 10 August 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 4: Sunday 14 September 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
+ Practice at home and receive additional content / support between workshops.
Payment 1: $215 - Due now to secure your place
Payment 2: $215 - Due by Saturday 24 May 2025 (registrations after this date require Payments 1 & 2)
Payment 3: $430 - Due by Saturday 21 June 2025
Payment 4: $430 - Due by Saturday 19 July 2025
Payment 5: $430 - Due by Saturday 23 August 2025

Distance Option: 6 Payments of $315. Paid per level (Leave at least 21 days between each level).
Workshop Option: 6 Payments of $430. Re-register for the Alsemia Training and receive your next levels during workshops.
Register Now   Make Your Next Payment

Register Now   Make Your Next Payment

SCHEDULE - 4 WORKSHOPS - please arrive 15min before
WORKSHOP 1: Sunday 12 October 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 2: Sunday 2 November 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 3: Sunday 23 November 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
WORKSHOP 4: Sunday 14 December 2025 (2pm - 6pm)
+ Practice at home and receive additional content / support between workshops.
Payment 1: $215 - Due now to secure your place
Payment 2: $215 - Due by Saturday 20 September 2025 (registrations after this date require Payments 1 & 2)
Payment 3: $430 - Due by Saturday 11 October 2025
Payment 4: $430 - Due by Saturday 1 November 2025
Payment 5: $430 - Due by Saturday 22 November 2025

Distance Option: 6 Payments of $315. Paid per level (Leave at least 21 days between each level).
Workshop Option: 6 Payments of $430. Re-register for the Alsemia Training and receive your next levels during workshops.
Register Now   Make Your Next Payment
Energy activations received during workshops: ALSEMIA 4ALSEMIA 5ALSEMIA 6ALSEMIA 7
Additional distance energy activations: ALSEMIA 8ALSEMIA 9ALSEMIA 10ALSEMIA 11ALSEMIA 12ALSEMIA 13
ALSEMIA TEACHER (Optional / Additional Registration)
These higher-level workshops tend to have less theory and instead consist of mainly practical activities during which you will receive your next energy activation in person and then take part in readings, group healings, meditations and / or healing exchanges in order to practice and further explore / develop basic and advanced skills learned in the previous programs. This will help to reach much higher levels of knowledge and competency in energy healing and intuitive development, while providing you with the opportunity to go much deeper in your healing journey, receive personal guidance and enjoy the benefits of the group energies and support.

These workshops are open to participants from different programs to give you the opportunity to practice your skills with a diverse group of people.

First Workshop: The final hour of the first workshop may be used to review and practice the general steps of the Reiki energy activation procedures (depending on the schedule). This is a great opportunity for higher-level participants to review the Reiki energy activations procedures (energies that you are able to provide after completion of the Master Training).

Workshops Details

Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane

Energy Activations

Included in the Program

ALSEMIA TEACHER - Optional / Additional Registration
(Teacher Level and Ashati Circle Facilitator)

Free Additional Content

Review Anytime in Your Online Account
• Alsemia 4 Manual
• Alsemia 5-12 Manual
• Alsemia 13 Manual

Energy Therapies Association Membership Available


Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane
Workshops are organised at:
Quest Building (Ground Floor Workshop Room)
41 Ramsgate St, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane
Please note that there are multiple Quest buildings in Brisbane.
Free unlimited street parking in adjacent streets (arrive a little earlier on Saturdays).


Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane
Click Here to see our teachers
Energy Healing Reiki Course Brisbane Venue 1
Energy Healing Reiki Course Brisbane Venue 2
In addition to Alsemia 4, this program is centred on what, in the Ashati System, is called Consciousness Energy, a much more advanced aspect of energy healing and spiritual teachings, unique to this program.

What is Consciousness Energy?

Consciousness energy is a completely different type of energy, one that creates the sense of awareness / consciousness, and that comes directly from a much higher dimension before it is divided into a seemingly infinite number of individual “strings of consciousness” (spirits).

The previous programs (Healer Training, Master Training and Ascension Training) focused on the chakras and the energy bodies your consciousness energy has incarnated into: a spirit body (the very creation of your existence as an individual spark of consciousness and vibration, created within the spirit realm, an extremely long time ago), a soul light body and a soul body (in order to go through the soul journey and experience the soul realm, also a long time ago), and a physical body (offering again and again, with each physical incarnation, new ways to experience life and to learn). Each of these main levels, and all the additional astral energy bodies (lower and higher astral bodies), influenced your consciousness energy as you experienced it in the physical body. This “physical consciousness” also requires a physical / biological organ to “translate” these energies into physical awareness and bodily responses, and therefore for us to experience thoughts and emotions within the physical body. This organ is the brain and all the physical systems connected to it (i.e. nervous system, endocrine system, etc.)

However, the physical body, its brain and chakra system are not naturally able to connect with all the “vibrations”, or levels, that exist within your entire consciousness energy. This means that, even though someone who has completed the Ascension Training is directly connected to their spirit energy body, their physical consciousness is still only a fraction of their spirit consciousness energy.

The levels of consciousness energy between physical awareness and spirit awareness create set levels of subconscious (subconscious to us, physical beings), which the higher Alsemia energies are going to help the physical consciousness (and brain) reconnect with and explore. This process, with these energies, feels a lot like a deep trance regression that a trained Ashati Practitioner can perform for themselves and others during Subconscious Explorations™.

What will this bring to my personal / spiritual development?

These energy activations will enable you to explore your consciousness energy on higher levels (which create the main levels of your subconscious). This exploration feels a lot like a regression within your own mind, yet connecting with higher levels of knowledge and awareness (similarly to deep hypnosis, and even sometimes past-life regression). It will also give you access to a more advanced way to receive guidance from your own highest-self (your spirit's consciousness energy level). All this will most likely enable you to go through more stages of healing and self-development, understand more about yourself, your mind, your existence beyond this lifetime and much more. This is again (like all Ashati stages of development and associated courses), directed by yourself and based on your own reconnection and experiences.

An expansion of your intuitive connection and inner guidance is also expected as you integrate each level.

Furthermore, the Alsemia 5 and 6 energy activations will enable you to facilitate much deeper healing on the physical level, this time working directly on the energies within the physical matter: the elemental and universal dimensional energies.

What will this bring to my professional practice?

Although you can complete this program for your own personal development only, it can also bring a whole new level of energies, abilities and even services to your Ashati professional practice, with even stronger energetic sensations and much deeper experiences for your future clients.

All the above healing and reconnection benefits can indeed be shared with others by adding a Subconscious Exploration™ to the Ashati healings, standard Alsemia healings (using Alsemia 1, 2 and 3), intuitive guidance and energy / entity clearing work that you are already able to offer. Your clients will get to feel very strong energies and trance / meditative states (induced in moments only by simply calling specific higher Alsemia energies in a pre-set order that matches the journey through the levels of the subconscious).

They will also be able to become more conscious of what subconsciously affects them, and to receive more clarity, insights, realisations and inner guidance - right away during the healings / meditations, or a few hours or days later as they integrate the energies and messages that they were able to subconsciously channel, or rather “download”, during the session with you. Such outcomes were already possible with previous levels of training within Ashati / Alsemia / Ascension. However, they will be taken to a whole new and much higher level with this program’s energies and techniques.

These energy activations will enable you to use these higher Alsemia energies and techniques for yourself or for someone else. The capacity to provide these energies to a large group of people requires an additional energy activation and energetic connection: Alsemia 13.

How long does it take to complete this program?

There are nine energy activations to receive and integrate. Each one must be scheduled a minimum of 21-days apart. Therefore, you will need at least about six months to complete this program in its entirety.

What is a Subconscious Exploration™ (Ashati System)?

The energies and methods used in this unique and advanced form of healing will help recipients reach a deep meditative state in order to explore their subconscious and the knowledge, issues, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, fears, and other energies within it that affect them and that they need to reconnect with as part of their own healing and development journey (including possible karmic relationships with others, past-lives and life-between-lives energies).

This remarkably profound trance-like meditative state will be naturally and quickly induced by specific waves of energy, and guided by the recipient’s own higher-self (a much higher part of their own subconscious mind). This energetic work will facilitate profound healing on many levels, as required for that session, and will enable the recipient to connect and explore different layers of their subconscious mind, with the guidance of their practitioner along the way and afterwards.

A client will simply sit (ideally in a reclined and comfortable seat) or lie down, fully dressed and perhaps with a blanket (in cold weather), while an Ashati Practitioner specifically trained for this advanced method of healing will bring waves of different energies into their entire being (no hands-on work is required during this type of healing). This energetic work will often be felt as a very deep relaxation, rich in energetic sensations, and with the feeling of reconnecting with higher and higher levels within one’s own subconscious mind, sometimes even to feelings and memories from beyond this lifetime and this dimension - if the person is open, ready and willing to do this (not mandatory).

The many different types of advanced healing energies will facilitate a natural and deep healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. A lot of guidance and new insights are often received during the session itself, or within the next few days, as the energies get integrated and the conscious mind processes them (becoming aware of them). The strong healing energies may make some people fall asleep, especially if their body is not used to deep energetic work. The healing effects will however remain exactly the same, as the session is more about receiving the energies, and most of the healing work will actually take place during the following few days. The practitioner will guide the recipient through this process and will also be able to tune into the recipient’s energy to provide feedback and advice afterwards.

These Subconscious Explorations™ can be offered by themselves (often during one-hour appointments) or combined with additional and complementary energy healing work (often during one-and-a-half-hour appointments), also bringing the powerful Alsemia (levels 1 to 3) and Ashati energies into the body, the aura (all its energy bodies) and the chakras of a person. These sessions, by themselves or combined with other Ashati System’s energies and techniques, are only the very beginning of a deep healing and spiritual awakening journey, whether the person is starting their journey or has already reached high levels of development. These Subconscious Explorations™, usually intense and very rich in sensations, are indeed for anyone seeking relaxation, healing (all levels of their being), answers to questions about what is affecting them in this life and possibly from previous lives, who they are as a soul and spirit, or simple curiosity or intuitive guidance, for example.

Although open to anyone, the Subconscious Explorations™ require to have an open mind about the existence of subconscious issues and energies, energy centres, energy healing, the soul and the process of reincarnation. An acceptance to go through the healing process afterwards is also essential. This may indeed bring to the surface repressed emotions and other energies that they are ready to feel and release once and for all, as guided by the higher aspect of their subconscious mind: their higher-self. Some tiredness, sensitivity, irritability and other light symptoms are possible during a few days after a session, due to this deep healing process. A lot of positive feelings, clarity, new levels of balance and reconnection are also expected from this intense healing and development period, which can be life-changing.

Alsemia 13
Alsemia 13 creates a unique and high-dimensional energetic connection that will enable you to perform group healings with the Alsemia energies (Alsemia 1, 2 and 3, as well as the waves of Subconscious Exploration energies, from Alsemia 5 to Alsemia 12). This healing work for groups, whether there are a couple of individuals or hundreds, will be anchored by yourself and this new energetic connection. This will enable the required energies, as you request them, to be provided directly to each group healing participant, without diminishing the initial flow of healing energies.

This level is different to the previous ones as its energy activation is not for personal development but mostly to provide a specific professional ability: offering Group Healings.

The group healing experiences are often extremely rich in sensations, lead to deep healing and profound meditative, trance-like states. The energy sensations and the healing that will unfold during the session and for the following 21 days, as well as the re-connection to higher parts of their subconscious mind and multi-dimensional self, can be experienced by many as extra-ordinary and life-changing for many people, especially beginners. The focus of these group healing sessions is not on teaching content. It is more about providing an intense and profound energy healing experience, using some of the most powerful energies available for this purpose, and relying on the group structure and room set-up to amplify the sensations and the connection.

In addition to the deep healing work that can be facilitated, these events are in many ways the energy healing equivalent to Platform Mediumship. Indeed, they offer an audience the opportunity to really feel energy and the reality of the non-physical dimensions and non-physical parts of ourselves. This can transform a person’s perspective on their own life and life in general in profound and deeply positive ways, helping them find more peace and connect with their own path of healing and personal development.


Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane
The Alsemia Training’s energy activations will give you the ability to facilitate even deeper and more effective healing on the physical level, this time from “within matter”, mostly with Alsemia 4, 5 and 6. In addition, the higher energy activations within this program (Alsemia 7 to 13) will take your abilities even further by enabling you to facilitate Subconscious Explorations™, for yourself and others, in order to connect with, explore and heal parts of the subconscious mind (within all its layers), this time directly on the consciousness energy level (all the way to the highest level within one’s own consciousness energy).

Subconscious Healing Course Brisbane Accredited Association


Subconscious Healing Workshops Brisbane
• Advanced teachings about energy healing and consciousness.
• A commitment to helping yourself and to potentially transforming your life.
• A personal development and professional training program designed to help you make the most of your skills, time and money.
• A unique set of skills and consciousness-focused energies to take your professional practice to completely new levels, enabling you to perform Subconscious Explorations™.
• Access to new and even more powerful physical healing energies.
• Online access to all the course content.
• Receive support and guidance throughout your entire journey.
• The invaluable support from past and current participants, who are at various stages of their Ashati journey, through the online community forum.
Some of the other benefits of this empowering and life changing advanced energy healing practitioner course include relieving stress, quietening the mind, exploring the subconscious mind, healing the physical body, releasing repressed emotions, breaking negative patterns, developing intuition, understanding how thoughts create reality, discovering ancient and modern energy healing systems and ways to tap into the latent power of your psyche.
Subconscious Healing Course Brisbane - Learn in Brisbane

Energy Activations

Each level includes an energy activation, which is a profound healing and spiritual experience. These will energetically expand your chakra system as well as activate a new level of energetic development and / or a connection to a specific healing energy that you will then be able to channel during energy healings and meditations, for yourself and others. Each energy activation is followed by a deeply transformative 21-day integration period during which it is recommended to practice daily short self-healing meditations at home, with the assistance of an optional guided meditation track (provided as part of ASHATI 1). Energy activations are often rich in sensations, profoundly relaxing and inspiring. They are the key to the amazing personal development, spiritual awakening and accelerated healing that most notice straight away when embarking on this subconscious healing course in Brisbane. Energy activations scheduled over distance through the Ashati Institute are performed live by Jerome Baudel at your chosen time. More Information about Energy Activations.


Other teachers from our institute may also teach some workshops.
Reiki Course Brisbane Teacher

Mirka Pesek

Qualifications: Reiki Master / Ashati Master / Ascension Master / Alsemia Master
Mirka, born in Czechoslovakia, left her home country with her parents when she was a child, and arrived in Germany as a refugee. The course of her own healing journey initiated her curiosity for the human psyche and that almighty magic beyond our physical being. She opened herself up to many healing modalities, from conventional to alternative and from new to ancient, including in energy healing and psychotherapy. Mirka then moved with her family to the Sunshine Coast in Australia where she set up a professional practice and where she now shares her personal experience and expertise. Her greatest passion is to empower people to become their own healer with the Ashati System energy activations, and to be a compassionate guide along their path.
Reiki Course Brisbane Teacher

Helen Cornelius

Qualifications: Reiki Master / Ashati Master / Ascension Master / Alsemia Master
Helen's spiritual journey has led her to train in several healing modalities and spiritual practices over the past 10 years, attending a wide variety of spiritual / personal development training programs. Helen was also a yoga teacher for over five years. It was however only after going through the Ashati system that transformation to a more permanent state of higher vibration, calm and clarity was achieved. Helen found the powerful energies and effectiveness of the stages within Ashati, Ascension and Alsemia to be completely transformational and to have brought huge growth in all aspects of her life. It was the incremental nature of this system that allowed longer lasting improvements, each level getting to be fully integrated and assimilated before progressing to the next one. Helen feels blessed to have worked alongside so many beautiful souls on their energetic ascension journey. Indeed, she feels that witnessing the changes in the participants over their several workshops is extremely rewarding, especially the opportunity to see them go through so much personal development, release their self-limiting beliefs and find more alignment to their higher values and purpose. Helen’s deepest desire is to assist as many people as possible to live a healthy, abundant and stress-free life by becoming more spiritually awake in their own lives.
Reiki Course Brisbane Teacher

Keah Mathews

Qualifications: Reiki Master / Ashati Master / Ascension Master / Alsemia Master
Ever since she was a child, Keah has been fascinated with the cosmos, healing touch, elements in the natural world and all things energy. After completing her Masters of Physiotherapy, Keah worked as a community Physiotherapist and then later in an outpatient setting with Veterans in a multidisciplinary team. Although Keah loved helping others, she felt limited by the biopsychosocial concept of wellness and thus followed a calling to explore other holistic modalities. Part of her spiritual awakening led Keah to the Ashati institute where she experienced a profound awareness of her higher purpose and deep remembrance of her true essence. Ultimately, Keah is passionate about guiding individuals to rediscover their inherent power, authenticity & soul’s purpose. She feels she is here to empower others to live a life guided by their highest self and activate new consciousness.
Reiki Course Brisbane Teacher

Prue Webber

Qualifications: Reiki Master / Ashati Master / Ascension Master / Alsemia Master
From a very young age, Prue knew there was more to the universe than what we can see, hear and touch. There was magic all around and she was driven to learn all she could. Reading as much as she could in her teenage years, she delved into all things spiritual and metaphysical. In her early career she was pulled into the fast-paced life of advertising and media and then opened and operated her own boutique. After becoming a mum of two, she moved onto an acreage in the Gold Coast hinterland. Being a lover of trees, forests and the elements, her spirit felt the call again to enter the world of energy and continue her studies and practices. Prue’s metaphysical education and experience extends from the tarot and psychic arts to transcendental meditation, yoga and crystals. Following her yoga teacher training, Prue sought to expand her education of energy by visiting and experiencing ancient spiritual sites and energy centres across the globe, including the United Kingdom, India and Japan… with many more still on the bucket list. Prue feels that her life’s learnings and experiences have been leading her inexorably to the teachings of the Ashati Institute. Whilst on a meditative bushwalk, Prue’s spirit guides and intuition encouraged her to explore a path towards further development and a career in energy healing. Upon looking into her options, Prue was immediately drawn to the teachings of Jerome Baudel and the Ashati Institute, which spoke to her in a way that closely resembled her own internal monologue, feelings and beliefs. The course topics offered Prue an irresistible opportunity to develop a greater knowledge and spiritual awareness of energy channeling and the use of higher dimensional energies along with soul and past life healing. Prue sees the opportunity to educate others about the transformational nature of the Ashati teachings as the culmination of her life’s pursuit of all things energy.
Reiki Course Brisbane Teacher

Steve Hatton

Qualifications: Reiki Master / Ashati Master / Ascension Master / Alsemia Master
Hailing from the UK, Steve commenced his professional journey in the financial markets, navigating the intricacies of currency trading within London's banking industry. Serving as the chief analyst for renowned institutions like Westpac, Smith Barney, and CMC Markets, he delved deep into market analysis, exploring the realms of geometry, numerical ratios, and market cycles. Through this, he qualified as a technical analyst, recognising that financial markets operate in alignment with divine mathematical relationships and time cycles. Steve's revelation that everything follows a structured pattern and is fundamentally energy-driven echoes the wisdom of Nikola Tesla: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration". Guided by encounters with individuals suggesting a shift to the energy healing space, Steve initially hesitated. However, his journey took a transformative turn when he embraced the Ashati Energy Healing courses. These meticulously crafted and expansive programs left a profound, enduring impact on Steve, propelling him to continue working directly in the realms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Steve's deepest passion lies in radiating love and empowering individuals on their spiritual paths. Now dedicated to spreading the transformative potential of energy healing, Steve actively contributes to the harmonious flow of universal energies, fostering a world enriched by love and spiritual empowerment.


Each workshop offered by the Ashati Institute is designed for people wishing to embark and progressively advance on an amazing and profoundly transformative journey. However, these subconscious healing workshops also provide comprehensive training in energy healing (incl. in Ascension and Alsemia), whether this is for personal development, to help your children, friends and relatives, or to set up a successful professional practice. The cost of your program may be tax deductible if you choose to work professionally.

Part of the: Advanced Certificate of Energy Healing
The Alsemia Training program certificate includes the following certifications:

Alsemia 12: Subconscious Exploration™ Practitioner
Alsemia 13: Alsemia Master and Group Subconscious Exploration™ Practitioner
Alsemia Teacher (Additional Registration Required): Alsemia Teacher

Visit Qualifications for more details about the Ashati services you can offer.

Recognised by Industry Associations

If you wish to work as an energy healing / Reiki / Ashati practitioner or energy healing / Reiki / Ashati teacher, joining a professional association will help you set higher standards of professionalism and ethics. It will also show potential clients that you have received adequate training and that you are following an appropriate Code of Conduct.

Membership with the Energy Therapies Association Includes:
• 1 year FREE membership (after completion of Ashati 2)
• FREE “Professional Practice” manual
• Membership certificate
• Code of Conduct
• Use of the Energy Therapies Association’s logos for marketing
• Recommended professional insurance policies for a list of countries
Subconscious Healing Course Brisbane Professional Association Logo
This program is recognised by the:
Energy Therapies Association

Optional Add-Ons

Ashati Oracle Cards - AU$34.95 + post

• Set of 36 Cards and Guidebook
• Free Meditation Tracks Online (Limited Time)

Ashati Oracle Cards

Circles - Group Practice Classes

• Online and In-Person
• Ashati Circle / Mediumship Circle / Subconscious Exploration

Ashati Circles
Subconscious Healing Course Brisbane Free Support


Connect and interact after each level for guidance and support.

Support and guidance.

Ashati Facebook Group - Share experiences & exchange healings / messages.


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Alsemia 4

Energy activation (also called energy attunement).

Alsemia 4 will deeply develop the connection between your spirit and your physical body (and its conscious awareness as a physical being). This is the most advanced level of energetic development currently offered before being able to embark on the higher Alsemia levels (Alsemia 5 to 13, also offered through the Alsemia Training), which will help you work on a whole different part of your energetic being: your consciousness energy.

Alsemia 4 is a much more advanced level and a new type of energy activation within this system. Like all Alsemia energy activations, it will connect your body to a new dimensional level and give you access to some of its energy, mostly for physical healing and development.

However, similarly to an Ascension energy activation, Alsemia 4 will also trigger structural changes linked to the process of advanced energetic ascension. For this reason, Alsemia 4 is only available after having received and integrated the Ascension 5 energy activation (and Alsemia 3). Alsemia 4 will not work if received before this higher stage of energetic development.

Alsemia 4 marks the end of a major cycle of physical ascension, which started with Alsemia 1 and which has, over each level, raised the vibration of your physical body and connected it to the healing energies from higher and higher dimensions. This cycle is ending with your body’s energetic connection to the spirit realm’s energy – and more specifically to the dimension where your spirit comes from: the seventh dimension.

Beyond the effects of raising the vibration of your body, which can have a general positive impact on your health, higher senses, inner guidance, manifestation abilities, and much more, this energetic change is accompanied with another and deeper key stage of advanced energetic ascension: the direct connection between your spirit body and your physical body. Now energetically connected to the level of vibration of your spirit, your physical body can be indeed directly affected by your spirit energy. This will trigger the dissipation of the universal energy body, which was a connective body between the physical body and your spirit.

Alsemia 4 will deepen the connection between your body and spirit, as well as expand your healing abilities. This change does not mean that you will become suddenly enlightened with all your spirit’s knowledge. You will still be a human body limited by the brain, which has only experienced this lifetime. You will also still be made of organic physical matter that obeys processes of evolution, development, ageing, healing, DNA control, etc. You may however notice the ability to be even more intuitively connected, feel more true to yourself, re-balance your mind and emotion more quickly and effectively, and much more. As everyone is different, on the physical level and on the spirit level, each person may notice and experience slightly different benefits.

You will learn to do a new level of Alsemia healing meditation, mostly for self-healing purposes, and using this new level of body – spirit connection. This will also help you to become more easily aware of the imbalances you may experience in your physical body, and their causes.

A new and simple way to receive guidance in your daily life, anytime, all day long, will also be described in the concise manual.

Manual Content:
• Alsemia 4 Description • Alsemia 4 Healing • Higher Senses Development

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Alsemia 5


Unique Access to Energies from the Elemental Dimension
(2nd dimension - for a new and deeper form of physical healing)

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Alsemia 6


Unique Access to Energies from the Universal Dimension
(1st dimension - for an even deeper form of physical healing)

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Alsemia 7


Connection to the “Consciousness Energy”
(higher form of energy detailed and explored in this program, which is at the core of our multi-dimensional existence, healing and development)

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Alsemia 8


Access to the First Layer of the Subconscious
(for personal healing and development)

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Alsemia 9


Access to the Second Layer of the Subconscious
(for deeper personal healing and development)

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Alsemia 10


Access to the Third Layer of the Subconscious
(for deeper personal healing and development)

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Alsemia 11


Access to the Fourth Layer of the Subconscious
(accessing information beyond this lifetime)

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Alsemia 12


Access to the Fifth and Highest Layer of the Subconscious
(reconnection to the "higher-self")

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Alsemia 13


Offer Group Healings using the Alsemia 5 to 12 energies
(for professional development)